Campaign News

Associated British Foods response

“The idea that ABF would use a “veil of secrecy” in order to hide the “human cost” of its supply chain is simply ridiculous. We treat local producers, communities and the environment with the utmost respect. As for transparency … our next CR report in autumn 2013 will confirm significant improvement in disclosure.”

“The company has worked hard for many years, over wide geography at all levels of the supply chain to ensure its suppliers meet the highest ethical standards… where issues are found, they are appropriately resolved.”


Oxfam’s reaction:

It is understandable that ABF would be disappointed at being the lowest scoring company of all ten of the food giants we ranked. But the facts behind those scores are clear for everyone to see. It is good to see that ABF intends to improve the information it discloses and Oxfam looks forward to evaluating any shifts in policy as they are made public.

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