Campaign News

Make a big noise

Can you hear that? Oxfam supporters have taken over half a million actions to get companies to improve their policies on land, gender, and climate change. Doesn’t it sound like music to your ears? Now together we need to act again.

This month Kellogg and General Mills will tell analysts and investors how good their future profits will be.

But Oxfam supporters are turning up the volume because Kellogg and General Mills haven’t been acting quickly enough. We’re making a noise online and in person, with stunts outside the New York Stock Exchange and at several company offices to tell Kellogg and General Mills to feed people, not climate change.

If each one of us makes a noise at these companies on social media today, they will know that thousands of people around the world won’t give up until they cut their emissions.

Join in – pick your sound and hit the buttons below to send General Mills and Kellogg a sound blast over social media:

Since the beginning, Behind the Brands has been driven by people like you, and today that has not changed. So far, you have persuaded five of the world’s top food companies to make significant policy shifts. Nestlé, Mondelez and Mars have committed to greater equality for women workers, and Coke and Pepsi have committed to zero tolerance of land grabs. And with your help, we can call on Kellogg and General Mills to commit to improve their policies on climate change.

Kellogg and General Mills don’t have targets to reduce emissions across their supply chains and don’t even measure or fully disclose their emissions. Let’s change that.

If each of us sends a noise to these companies, their Facebook and twitter profiles will be covered in messages from around the world telling them to flight climate change.

To make the sweet sounds of victory, we need you. Will you join us? Sound the alarm that the time for climate action is now: send a message to the companies and invite your friends to do the same above!

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